Comprehensive sexuality education in Sri Lanka
During adolescence, young people face physical, emotional, and behavioural changes and often make choices relating to their sexual and reproductive health.
During adolescence, young people face physical, emotional, and behavioural changes and often make choices relating to their sexual and reproductive health.
Серия видеороликов, разработанная при поддержке ИИТО ЮНЕСКО, предлагает комплексный и увлекательный подход к формированию здорового образа жизни среди подростков.
В пособии приведены рекомендации для педагогических работников по использованию видеороликов при проведении занятий по вопросам формирования культуры здорового образа жизни, безопасного и ответственного поведения с учащимися 6-11 классов общеобразовательных школ.
A 16-part orientation session on the awareness of teachers on CSE to be implemented as part of school’s Learning Action Cell (LAC) initiative. The Orientation Module is divided into three parts - Learning New, Learning Now, and Learning Next.
This publication is the follow up of the first and second collection of WASH in Schools best practices by SuSanA partners. This third volume focuses on the topic of monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
The Global Survey of School Meal Programs aims to strengthen the work of the global school meal network by developing a comprehensive description of all the core aspects of large-scale school meal programs around the world.
The Fit for School (F4S) approach uses the school setting to support the institutionalization of health-promoting behaviour of children. This includes washing hands with soap, brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste, daily cleaning of sanitary facilities, etc.
The research in hand is the first effort of its kind in Pakistan that assesses the needs and gaps vis-à-vis the sexual and reproductive health and rights of the citizens, especially the overwhelming population of the country's young people.
The Country Cases Series are developed within UNFPA's project “Out-of-School Comprehensive sexuality education for those left furthest behind” in Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran and Malawi, with the financial support of Norway.
This paper documents the evolving nature and status of Sexuality Education (SE) in India.