Embrace diversity in school: say no to HIV-related stigma and other forms of discrimination
What are the challenges an HIV positive student is facing at school? What other forms of prejudice and associated intolerance a student may be encountering?
What are the challenges an HIV positive student is facing at school? What other forms of prejudice and associated intolerance a student may be encountering?
Vídeo para discutir nas escolas o tema Homofobia.
This publication describes three German-supported initiatives in Africa (specifically in Guinea, Mozambique and Tanzania) and one in Latin America (a six-country regional initiative). All integrate sexual health and HIV prevention within school systems.
Brazil Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Peru Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
O propósito da série Adolescentes e Jovens para a Educação entre Pares, do Projeto Saúde e Prevenção nas Escolas (SPE), propósito não é ser apenas mais um conjunto de fascículos, e sim trazer provocações e aprofundar o conhecimento que os(as) adolescentes e jovens têm a respeito de temas presente
Con esta guía, las y los docentes obtendrán información actualizada y científica para comprender una serie de aspectos sobre la sexualidad de las y los adolescentes y de jóvenes con orientaciones sexuales o identidades de género diferentes.
This report explores three countries’ responses to one aspect of LGBT marginalization—school harassment of LGBT youth.
Men are changing. Case study evidence on work with men and boys to promote gender equality and positive masculinities is a document that aims to strengthen and broaden the evidence base on working with men and boys.
Este manual contiene un conjunto de mensajes con el objetivo de presentar información que permita a las personas conocer y comprender la importancia que tiene la implementación de la Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) en el Sistema Educativo Peruano.