Ending child marriage: a guide for global policy action
This publication is part of IPPF’s thematic focus on adolescents and young people. We recognize the important role of joint advocacy action in addressing child marriage.
This publication is part of IPPF’s thematic focus on adolescents and young people. We recognize the important role of joint advocacy action in addressing child marriage.
The aim of UNGASS Watch Belize is to communicate the goal of and strengthen national actions on monitoring of HIV/AIDS and S&RH policies. In ths document, several national policies are checked and an overall situation of the HIV and AIDS epidemic is given.
Informe de organizaciones de la sociedad civil mexicana (también conocido como "informe sombra"), previo al informe UNGASS 2008. La situación del VIH y sida en México, los problemas y desafíos y la respuesta de las autoridades y la sociedad civil frente a la epidemia.
Monitoreo de las políticas públicas en salud sexual y reproductiva por parte de varias organizaciones de la sociedad civil de Nicaragua, con miras al informe UNGASS 2008. Se evalúa la respuesta del Estado y la sociedad a la epidemia del VIH y Sida y se identifican fortalezas y debilidades.
1- Pressupostos: Metade das pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids no mundo são mulheres; no Brasil o número de casos entre mulheres tem aumentado progressivamente desde o início da epidemia. Atualmente, o número de casos novos entre mulheres jovens supera o dos rapazes.
Cartilla informativa sobre las infecciones de transmisión sexual, dirigida a padres para que la discutan con sus hijos. Describe las características de las ITS y ejemplifica conductas riesgosas y conductas seguras a través de diversas historias.
Ce dossier a été réalisé dans le cadre de la série de l'International Women's Health Coalition (IWHC) consacrée aux jeunes adolescents. Il se fonde sur des données factuelles et des statistiques sur leur niveau de connaissance et sur leurs comportements sexuels et reproductifs.
UNOPA (the National Union of Organizations of Persons Infected/Affected by HIV/AIDS in Romania) is concerned with the fact that HIV-positive youth lack sufficient knowledge and skills that might help them adopt risk-free behaviors in terms of reproductive health, all the more so that HIV-positive
This report evaluates the current PSHE curriculum: whether it is based sufficiently closely on the needs of young people and how the outcomes might be best achieved.
In Cameroon, a girl's Auntie used to be her most trusted confidante, teacher and counsellor on sexual matters. In 2001, GTZ launched the Aunties Programme which borrows from this tradition.