Видеоуроки о здоровом образе жизни, безопасном поведении и профилактике насилия
Серия видеоуроков, разработанная при поддержке ИИТО ЮНЕСКО, предлагает комплексный и увлекательный подход к образованию подростков в вопросах здоровья.
Серия видеоуроков, разработанная при поддержке ИИТО ЮНЕСКО, предлагает комплексный и увлекательный подход к образованию подростков в вопросах здоровья.
Muchos países de la región cuentan con normativas específicas que establecen la obligatoriedad de la implementación de la Educación Sexual Integral/Educación Integral en Sexualidad (ESI/EIS) o bien, desarrollaron políticas públicas a favor de ello.
There is a significant - and growing - body of evidence that well-designed and effectively delivered school meal programs are a cost-effective and scalable means to build human capital, improve learning outcomes, and improve health and nutrition.
Il n’est pas toujours facile de savoir vers quelles actions de prévention du harcèlement à l’école se tourner. Cette note vise à identifier, décrire et analyser des programmes de prévention du harcèlement qui ont fait l’objet d’évaluations à large échelle. Cinq programmes ont été retenus.
This commentary aims to examine the COVID-19 disruptions to CSE programming, responses, and strategies from countries and organisations to overcome challenges caused by COVID restrictions, and to explore the potential for digital technologies to deliver information and education in new ways.
With over 71% of the world’s youth aged 15-24 online (ITU, 2020), many children, adolescents and young people are turning to digital sources to seek information about health, sex, and relationships.
The third in a series of regular reports that WFP is committing to provide, the State of School Feeding Worldwide allows for the continuing overview of school meal programmes everywhere in the world, focusing on national programmes implemented by governments.
This paper presents findings from a literature review on relationships and sexuality education for primary (elementary) school programme effectiveness.
Monitoring is key to a better understanding of the gaps in CSE and to building capacity. To address the need for additional data on CSE, the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, in partnership with UNESCO’s Section of Health and Education, has developed country profiles on CSE.
Despite the importance of nutrition during middle childhood (5–9 years) and adolescence (10–19 years) for the health and well-being of current and future generations, the 5–19-year period remains relatively neglected in research, policy and programming agendas.