Education is empowerment: promoting goals in population, reproductive health and gender
This meeting report is based on a Fund-wide consultation to review UNFPA's three-decade long experience in population education (PopEd).
This meeting report is based on a Fund-wide consultation to review UNFPA's three-decade long experience in population education (PopEd).
This report presents the proceedings of the First Regional Conference on Secondary Education in Africa, organized by the World Bank in June 2003 and hosted by the Uganda Ministry of Education.
The Ministry of Education (MINED) held a national seminar from 9-13th February 2004, in Maputo, at Joaquim Chissano Conference Center, with the objective of accelerating the sector's response to HIV/AIDS.
La Conférence mondiale sur l'éducation pour tous (Jomtien, Thaïlande, 1990) a confié à l'UNESCO la responsabilité de veiller à ce que ses Etats membres s'attachent activement à éliminer les disparités éducatives qui peuvent exister au détriment de certains groupes tels que les enfa
This workshop aimed at bringing together a wide range of agencies working to provide care, compassion and preventive education to children vulnerable to HIV/AIDS in the Mekong sub-region in order to share lessons learned and draft an agenda for further action - both at the policy and legislative
The meeting, which lasted one day and a half, was divided into three main sessions. In the first session, participants offered their views and experiences on available response strategies to the challenge of orphans and vulnerable children after listening to three presentations on the topic.
The UNESCO Nairobi Office organised the second in a series of consultations on HIV/AIDS and education at the Nile Conference Centre in Kampala, Uganda, from 16th to 18th June 2003.
A tri-country HIV/AIDS and Refugees workshop was organised by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda from 10-13 December 2002.
The conference was more than justified by the clear, urgent need to move from analysis and stock-taking to implementation of sector action plans that would give ministries of education the tools they needed to face the various challenges posed by HIV/AIDS in a concrete and effective manner.
The Conference on HIV/AIDS and the education sector - the Education Coalition against HIV/AIDS- was held from 31 May to 1 June 2002.