HIV/AIDS/STDs education for prevention
The contents of this book are drawn from contributions to the Global Conference on School Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention.
The contents of this book are drawn from contributions to the Global Conference on School Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention.
This report of the UNESCO Regional Seminar on HIV/AIDS and Education within the School System for English-speaking Countries in Eastern and Southern Africa is intended for planners and policy-makers in Ministries of Education and Ministries of Health as well as representatives of NGOs.
This report describes the UNESCO regional seminar on HIV/AIDS and education within the school system for English-speaking countries in Eastern and Southern Africa held in February 1995.
This report of the UNESCO Asian Regional Planning Seminar on AIDS and Education within the School System is intended for policy-makers in Ministries of Education and Ministries of Health as well as representatives of NGOs in the Southern African Region.
This document is a synthesis report on a workshop on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education that was held at the IIEP in December 1993.
The document updates the "Sex education in schools" decree of 24 November 1970 (circular no. 193/1970), published by the Austrian Ministry of Education and Art.
Le présent document est un outil de travail destiné aux responsables régionaux des services complémentaires du Ministère pour le soutien à apporter aux organismes scolaires au cours de l'établissement de lignes de conduite concernant le VIH/sida pouvant être ou non présentées sous la forme p
Ce rapport est le résultat du sixième séminaire consultatif régional de l'UNESCO/PROAP sur l'éducation des populations qui s'est tenu à Bangkok, Thaïland.
Les pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest francophone qui ont accusé un grand retard par rapport aux autres régions de l’Afrique dans le domaine de la planification familiale, réalisent des progrès ces dernières années notamment depuis la création du Partenariat de Ouagadougou.
The Bhutan Food and Dietary Guidelines for School-Aged Children provides clear, simple advice on the amount and kinds of foods school aged children need each day to achieve good health and nutrition.