Talking about reproductive and sexual health issues with youth: a telephone helpline
The sheet highlights the TARSHI project in India. It focuses on talking about reproductive and sexual health issues with youth by a telephone helpline.
The sheet highlights the TARSHI project in India. It focuses on talking about reproductive and sexual health issues with youth by a telephone helpline.
The sheet highlights the REDESS-JOVENES project in Peru. It focuses on building a coalition to support youth.
The sheet highlights the Tsa Banana project in Botswana. It focuses on social marketing of reproductive health services to youth.
The original project was designed to examine the resonances between gender as it constructed in the occupational setting and the HIV response of young people.
This is a report on the Regional Training Workshop on "Preventive Education Against HIV/AIDS in the School Setting" held from 18 to 23 October 1999 in Quezon City, Philippines. Funding support was provided by the Government of Japan.
The sheet highlights the CEMOPLAF project in Ecuador. It covers fertility awareness and sexuality education for high school students. It summarizes the programme design and implementation, programme evaluation, and programme impact at the institutional level.
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of health education initiatives to increase knowledge and improve attitudes and behaviors in response to rising HIV incidence.
Zambia is currently experiencing one of the worst HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world, one result being that between one-third and one-quarter of the children aged below 15 have lost one or both parents.
Provides and overview of work with HIV/AIDS in Africa and Asia focussing on the challenge to find ways to asses its impact.
A health education program conducted in primary schools in Soroti district, Uganda promoted increased access to information, better peer interactions and better quality of the health education system.