Measures for the prevention and management of learner pregnancy. Choose to wait for a brighter future
This document aims to clarify the position of the department of Education regarding learner pregnancies.
This document aims to clarify the position of the department of Education regarding learner pregnancies.
This Plan of Action supplements the National Policy by identifying concrete activities in support of these goals. It was developed through a collaborative process involving various stakeholders under the leadership of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare.
El Ministerio de Salud, como instancia rectora del sector salud, formula la Estrategia Nacional de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (ENSSR), instrumento normativo y orientador que permite reducir las brechas existente de atención en SSR, sobre todo en los grupos más excluidos socialmente, y pone a la
The Government of Ethiopia is committed to improving the reproductive health status of young Ethiopians, 10-24 years old. This adolescent and youth reproductive health strategy reaffirms that commitment by setting forth its priorities and agenda for the next decade.
Visión año 2015: Mujeres y hombres gozando de una vida sexual plena y sin riesgo con acceso efectivo a la atención integral a la salud sexual y salud reproductiva basada en derechos, igualdad, equidad, solidaridad y participación ciudadana para contribuir al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida y e
Los jóvenes y el VIH/sida en América Latina. Descripción general de su situación y las políticas que sugiere la International Planned Parenthood Federation para, junto a ellos, responder a la epidemia de VIH/sida. Se describen también enfoques y acciones realizadas por esta organización.
The purpose of the document is to provide guidelines to the University with regard to the institution's response to HIV and AIDS with specific reference to its ability to continue functioning thereby preventing HIV and AIDS from undermining its potential to operate and deliver mandated servi
This ICHA Fact Sheet (#6) aims at briefly describing the Ministry's financial procedures for strengthening Cambodia's Response to HIVand AIDS Programme.
Ce document est une synthèse de l'analyse situationnelle du VIH/SIDA dans le secteur de l'éducation et de la proposition de plan sectoriel qui en découle pour la période 2007-2010.
In The Gambia HIV/AIDS is regarded as a major development issue even though its prevalence rate has remained relatively low.