University of Witwatersrand Policy on HIV/AIDS
The University recognises that South Africa, with the rest of southern Africa, is experiencing a devastating HIV/AIDS epidemic.
The University recognises that South Africa, with the rest of southern Africa, is experiencing a devastating HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Evaluación y propuestas para la política de educación sexual del Ministerio de Educación de Chile. Avances y dificultades en el período 1993-2003. Acciones realizadas por el Ministerio. Diagnóstico de la situación actual delácomportamiento afectivo y sexual de niños, niñasáy jóvenes.
The NPA for OVC was developed with the participation of children as key stakeholders at the National Stakeholders' Conference in June 2003.
This report displays the positions of the ministry of education in Burundi, on the quality of education.
The Education Sector Policy on HIV and AIDS formalises the rights and responsibilities of every persons involved, directly or indirectly, in the education sector with regard to HIV and AIDS: the learners, their parents and care-givers, educators, managers, administrators, support staff and the ci
The country's Higher Education Sector appears to be particularly badly affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, with some estimates indicating that infection levels amongst undergraduates might be as high as 1 in 4.
The overall goal of this policy is to mainstream adolescent health concerns in the national development process in order to improve the quality of life and standard of living of young people in Uganda.
Informe del Ministerio de salud de Perú sobre la estrategia nacional de saud sexual y reproductiva.
This policy and guidelines document is a response to a Government of Uganda initiative which requires that each sector should develop a sector specific policy that is consistent with and responds to the National Strategic Framework.