Guidelines for implementing HIV/AIDS/STDs and life skills education in schools and teachers’ colleges
Young peoples’ health has become a subject of increasing importance in Tanzania, both
Young peoples’ health has become a subject of increasing importance in Tanzania, both
The Revised National Curriculum Statement is not a new curriculum but a streamlining and strengthening of the Curriculum 2005.
This document is a result of a collective and comprehensive exercise within the Fund to identify how they can best impact the pandemic as an organization.
Deux décennies se sont écoulées depuis l'apparition du virus de l'immunodéficience humaine ( VIH). Depuis lors, le VIH /SIDA s'est propagé très diligemment dans les pays en développement.
Document outlines step by step process of how the education system in Zambia will respond effectively to the HIV/AIDS impact. Tables showing inputs, activities, measurable indicators, verification of the work, and assumptions are outlined.
This document sets out provisional policy and strategic priorities identified by MINEDUC in the education sector's fight against HIV and AIDS. The battle against the HIV/AIDS pandemic is not only about limiting its spread.
In 2002, it is estimated that 1.9 million people are living with HIV in Mozambique and that 830,000 of these are young people aged less than 24. In 1999, the government drew up "A Strategic Plan for the Fight against AIDS for 2000-2002".
This document describes the mission, principles, components and objectives of the University of Natal AIDS Plan for 2002-2004.
The present Program is worked out in accordance with recommendations developed at the meeting participated by representatives of President's Administration, ministries, departments, local executive authorities, nongovernmental, international and bilateral organizations (Temirtau, 20 October
Document listed as resource material for the Sub-Regional Seminar: "Accelerating the Education Sector Response to HIV/AIDS in Africa" Mombasa, Kenya 11th - 15th November, 2002.