Community Based Orphan Assistance in Malawi: Demographic Crisis As Development Opportunity
This report is a follow up activity resultant from the release on World AIDS Day of 'Children on the Brink'.
This report is a follow up activity resultant from the release on World AIDS Day of 'Children on the Brink'.
This report is a follow up activity resultant from the release on World AIDS Day of 'Children on the Brink'.
The purpose of this report is to develop an intervention strategy that can be utilized by external change agents to mobilize sustainable, effective community action to mitigate the impacts of HIV/AIDS on children and families
This report documents a Uganda Site Visit by a CEDC Team from UNICEF/New York. This was in response to the publication of Children on the Brink which represented a "wake up call" for the international development community on several levels.
This report documents an assessment of UNICEF Programming in Zambia for Children and Children Affected by HIV/AIDS. This was in response to the publication of Children on the Brink which represented a "wake up call" for the international development community on several levels.
This report documents an assessment of UNICEF Programming in South Africa for Children and Children Affected by HIV/AIDS.
This report is part of a series on HIV/AIDS. It was written, edited, and produced by the Health Technical Services Project of TvT Associates and The Pragma Corporation for the HIV/AIDS Division of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
This issue emphasizes clinical service.
This position paper addresses the integration of HIV/STD-related programmes into the school system, whether through education about reproductive health, life skills or other important health issues.
The document is an evaluation of the national programme for secondary education "SIDA Saber Ayuda" from Spain.