National orphans and other vulnerable children policy
This policy provides the framework for responding to the concerns and needs of orphans and other vulnerable children.
This policy provides the framework for responding to the concerns and needs of orphans and other vulnerable children.
Documento de investigación que busca elaborar una propuesta cuyo objetivo sea analizar los contextos socioeconómicos, culturales y políticos en que se da la migración y su relación con la vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones móviles hacia las ITS/ VIH/SIDA con el fin de identificar, desarrollar, imp
In 1999, the UK Department for International Development (DfID) funded a major programme of research into young people's sexual and reproductive health in poorer country settings.Coordinated jointly by the Centre for Sexual Health Research at the University of Southampton, the Thomas Coram R
This publication addresses a number of issue areas that U.S.-based groups opposed to reproductive rights have rallied around in recent years.
En 2004, más de tres millones de personas murieron a causa del SIDA y casi cinco millones se agregaron a los ya infectados con el VIH.La CIPD señaló en 1994 la gravedad del VIH/SIDA y, en el examen de la situación efectuado cinco años después (CIPD+5), en respuesta a la propagación de la epidemia
This report focuses on the effects of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on rural communities in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The report is a collection of information on HIV/AIDS from various documents and websites.
The Caribbean region has the second highest prevalence of HIV infection in the world after sub-Saharan Africa.
The document discusses the processes and results of a multi-year research study jointly undertaken by ICRW, EngenderHealth, and Nepali partners. The project tested the effectiveness of the participatory approach in defining and addressing the reproductive health concerns of adolescents.
Este documento fue publicado por la Coalición ONG SIDA y la UNICEF Republica Dominicana en 2004. Se trata de examinar cinco programas que han sido exitosos en la prevención de VIH/SIDA en la población de adolescentes y jóvenes.
In Ethiopia, in 2003, 2.9 million adults and 250 000 children are living with HIV/AIDS. About 90% of the reported AIDS cases are between the age 20 and 49 and this age group is among the productive sector. However, research has revealed (UNESCO Prospect Vol. XXXIII No.