Community Advocates Training Manual. The HIV/AIDS Prevention Project for Vulnerable Youth in Northern Nigeria is a curriculum developed by Population Council, Nigeria, under the HIV Prevention Project for Vulnerable Youth in Northern Nigeria funded by USAID/Nigeria. The document was developed as a tool for training community advocates to conduct advocacy activities on the issues of early marriage, HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. The curriculum is developed on the premise that community representatives can speak out on issues concerning their lives and community, if given necessary skills. This training manual aims to improve knowledge and strengthen the skills of community representatives from the northern region of Nigeria to openly discuss sensitive issues relating to HIV/AIDS, reproductive health and marriage. The curriculum features participatory activities that will help community advocates to: i) differentiate advocacy activities from other types of HIV/AIDS strategies; ii) think creatively about different approaches to advocacy; iii) learn and explore critical issues relating to HIV/AIDS and reproductive health; and iv) develop skills such as communication, presentation, facilitation and conducting media interviews. The curriculum is divided into five modules made up of 40-60 minutes sessions. The modules are created based on themes as follows: 1) Training Environment (which sets a relaxed atmosphere for the training); 2) Background on Advocacy (which provides a brief introduction on advocacy); 3) HIV/AIDS and SRH issues (which is the knowledge-based module of the manual); 4) Advocacy skills (which is the skills-based component of the manual) and 5) Planning and M&E (which enable participants to put knowledge in practice). In addition to the modules, the curriculum also includes facilitators reference notes and sample activities for icebreakers/energizers.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación