2024 11 p. Authors Williams-Thomas, Rhys Townson, Julia Lewis, Ruth Copeland, Lauren Madan, Jason Melendez-Torres, G.J. Lugg-Widger, Fiona V. Pallmann, Philip Riaz, Muhammad Brown, Rachel Bonnell, Chris Morgan, Gemma S. White, James Young, Honor Periodical title BMJ Open Objectives: To examine the acceptability of implementing, trialling and estimating the cost of the Sexual health and healthy relationships for Further Education (SaFE) intervention. Themes Salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes Embarazo precoz y no planificado Regions Europa Reino Unido Resource types Estudios de casos e investigación Languages Inglés Resource Links Sexual health and healthy relationships for Further Education (SaFE) in Wales and England: results from a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial Share