The South Africa School-Based Sexuality and HIV Prevention Education Activity is a PEPFAR-Funded USAID Activity aimed at reducing new HIV infections in learners and educators by assisting the Department of Basic Education (DBE) to implement high quality, evidence-informed sexuality and HIV prevention education programmes. The Society for Family Health (SFH) are leading the complementary activities which involve engaging with the broader school community (school governing bodies (SGB) and senior management teams (SMT)) to advocate for CSE in schools as well as ensuring that the necessary linkages between schools and health services are in place. In order to achieve this, SFH are conducting sensitization workshops in the districts where the Education Development Center (EDC) is working to strengthen SGB members’ advocacy skills for CSE, including SGBV and the Integrated School Health Policy (ISHP). These workshops consist of 2-day discussions which cover information on the comprehensive sexuality education package that is offered in schools, as well as aim to equip SGBs and SMTs with skills to advocate for schools based comprehensive sexuality and HIV education activity amongst parents in the community. These workshops are being assessed to determine whether or not they are effective in improving the knowledge of and generating positive attitudes among the participants towards comprehensive sexuality education, as well as for identifying the extent to which an enabling environment exists for the roll out of comprehensive sexuality education.

Centro de Recursos de Salud y Educación