Situational analysis report on teen pregnancies in Kenya
Cases of teenage pregnancies and child marriages remain high in Kenya, and specific counties, continue to battle the ever-rising cases of teenage pregnancies.
Cases of teenage pregnancies and child marriages remain high in Kenya, and specific counties, continue to battle the ever-rising cases of teenage pregnancies.
In Bhutan, WFP partners with the Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD), the Ministry of Health (MoH), and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MoAL) to create an enabling environment for healthier school nutrition and improved nutritional status for Bhutanese schoolchildren.
Language influences the way we think, how we perceive reality, and how we behave. With respect to HIV, language can embody stigma and discrimination, which impacts access to testing, acquisition of HIV, and engagement with treatment.
The Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland study is a sequel to the 2016 LGBTIreland study which highlighted that although many of the participants within LGBTQI+ communities were experiencing positive wellbeing, a sizable minority were experiencing high levels of mental distress and mental health challenges.
Approximately one billion children experience some form of physical, sexual or psychological violence or neglect each year. Globally, one in three learners reports experiencing bullying in the previous month, and more than three learners were involved in physical fights between peers last year.
La biodiversité est unanimement considérée comme une richesse naturelle inestimable. Elle renforce les écosystèmes et les rend plus résilients. Mais qu’en est-il de la diversité à l’école? Peut-elle devenir cette richesse qui rendrait l’école plus forte et plus résiliente?
This policy paper positions Home-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) as a transformative, Africa-led approach to advancing resilience across the continent, applying lessons learned from the Millennium Development Goals era.
Over 20 years, GLSEN’s research has demonstrated that LGBTQI+ inclusive instruction promotes a more positive school climate, where LGBTQI+ youth are more likely to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, and experience less severe anti-LGBTQI+ harassment and bullying.
The National School Feeding Program (SFP) in Malawi is an initiative administered by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with several partners, to provide nutritious meals to children attending primary school.
The school feeding program (SFP) in Ethiopia is designed to provide nutritious meals to children attending pre-primary and primary school. In this report, we analyzed the costs of the SFP and quantified its impact on education, health and nutrition, social protection, and agriculture.