In this Guide, we focus on strengthening the curriculum dimension known as education for learning to live together (LTLT), which incorporates areas of life skills, citizenship, peace and human rights. We first argue for a holistic view of this dimension and for appropriate teachinglearning processes. We then offer suggestions for monitoring and evaluation processes to answer one or more of the following questions - depending on circumstances. For a traditional system: does our traditional schooling meet our current goals in the LTLT/life skills dimension? For a pilot project: does our new LTLT/life skills initiative - in our pilot/model schools - achieve its goals? For a system-wide initiative: does our recent system-wide LTLT/life skills initiative achieve its goals? We also suggest the importance of building monitoring and evaluation of LTLT/life skills into: curriculum and textbook development programmes and centres; teacher training systems; national (or project) systems for monitoring and evaluation of schooling. The Guide is hopefully a contribution to curriculum renewal in all societies, since we all face challenges in responding positively to the rapid changes of the twenty-first century. However, the book is designed for use even in difficult conditions - for example, in post-conflict or other situations where resources and well-trained teachers are scarce; and in a variety of cultural settings. The Guide is addressed primarily to policy-makers and curriculum planners in national education ministries - or NGO programme managers. Educators working in diverse settings may also find it useful, if they are concerned with the contribution that education can make towards peace, active citizenship, respect for human rights, and life skills including HIV/AIDS prevention.

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation