Webinar | 02 juin 2017
Webinar: Substance Abuse Prevention through Schools in Low Resource Countries

Education sector responses to the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs

Following up on the recent publication of a UNODC-UNESCO-WHO guidance document, this webinar will review and discuss the research and practice on programmes preventing substance abuse, including alcohol and tobacco. The webinar will be interactive, with remarks from several experts and practitioners, leading into a discussion among all attendees. Different aspects, effective strategies and challenges will be discussed. A series of findings from a recent review of research, reports and resources relevant to low resource countries, presented in the form of a mini-Delphi consultation, will be circulated and discussed as a backdrop and eventual product of the session and follow-up.


  • Wadih Maalouf, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; 
  • Yongfeng Liu, Senior Advisor, UNESCO;
  • Aala El-Khani, University of Manchester, UK;
  • Isidore Obot, Centre for Research and Information on Substance Abuse (CRISA), Nigeria.

Facilitator: Doug McCall - International School Health Network

Date: 13 July 2017 - 09.00 EDT/ 14.00 BST/ 15.00 EAT/ 21:00 SGT

The FRESH School Health and Nutrition webinar series provides monthly presentations by leading policy makers, researchers and implementers engaged in improving the health and education of children in low and middle income countries across the globe.