A growing body of evidence links HIV risk with women's social and economic inequality, male norms that drive sexual risk, and the social marginalization of individuals whose sexual identity or behavior is perceived to fall outside accepted norms. In recognition of this, many international donor agencies are funding programs that aim to reduce gender inequality as a driver of the epidemic. HIV service providers are already responding with innovative and often courageous strategies for overcoming gender-based drivers of the epidemic. But more is needed at the national level. National governments must design, build and maintain policy, legislative and strategic frameworks that support the implementation, scale-up and monitoring of gender-responsive programs. To this end, this project developed and tested a replicable process through which countries could build and sustain gender-responsive national plans for a more effective HIV response. From 2009 to 2011, ICRW collaborated with government, civil society, and donor organizations in Uganda and Cambodia to do the following: Identify strengths and gaps in how these two countries' national strategies, policies and action plans address gender inequality as a social driver of HIV; Collaborate with government, civil society, and donor stakeholders to generate and advocate for practical solutions to improve gender-responsiveness of national HIV strategies, policies, and action plans; Develop and disseminate tools so this process can be replicated in other countries.

Health and Education Resource Centre