Family Life Education in Samoa is rights based, gender inclusive and life skills based and considers all components that contribute to strengthening families through an educational and preventative approach. Sexuality, sexual and reproductive health is an important component but so are human growth and development, understanding diversity, individuals in social contexts, interpersonal relationships, parenting education and guidance and family dynamics in the Samoan socio-cultural context of village and community life which include healthy living, good nutrition and sustainable lifestyles. This FLE conceptual framework encompasses all services that are provided by Non-Government Organisations, faith based organisations, other Government ministries as well as the Ministry of Education Sports and Culture through the school curriculum and other related activities for out of school youth and young adults. Family Life education in Samoa take into account, the school curriculum as well as all educational programmes and services delivered by other Government ministries and civil society that help support the achievement of family well-being in Samoa. Comprehensive sexuality education is a component of family life education and is the responsibility not only of the MESC, MOH, MWCSD and NHRI but also NGOs such as Samoa Family Health Association, SVSG and community based organisations. Aspects of sexuality education is also included in the school curriculum.

Health and Education Resource Centre