As one of the Sub-Saharan Countries, Lesotho is faced with the scourge of high new HIV infections, astounding early and unintended pregnancies (EUP) and child marriage. In response to this, the Ministers of Education and Health affirmed what is named East and Southern African (ESA) Ministerial commitment to; ensure that all countries in the region offer Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) for both in and out of school adolescents and upgrade all Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services to be adolescent-friendly. Lesotho was not an exception in the commitment. The affirmation came at the opportune time when Lesotho was in the process of reviewing its curriculum. It was then that the previously known Life Skills Education (LSE) curriculum was revised and became CSE which was later termed Life-Skills Based Sexuality Education (LBSE). The purpose of LBSE is to act as an intervention targeting in-school children and adolescents in response to the identified challenges. The main goal of the LBSE curriculum is to equip learners with skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes to enable them to exercise their human rights, adopt healthy lifestyles, make responsible choices, and become forces for positive changes.

Health and Education Resource Centre