This curriculum has been developed to assist individuals to have a clear and factual view of humanity; to provide them with the information and skills necessary for rational decision-making about their sexual health; to change behaviour; and to prevent HIV infection. The curriculum is oriented towards learners. Many activities are geared towards making learning practical and pupil-centred. The content gradually becomes more complex as the student moves from one level to the next. The purpose of the curriculum is the promotion of awareness about, and prevention of, HIV. It provides learners with opportunities to develop a positive and factual view of themselves; to acquire the information and skills they need to take care of their health, including preventing HIV; to respect and value themselves and others; and to acquire the skills needed to make healthy decisions about their sexual health and behaviour. The curriculum provides a framework for the acquisition of knowledge about oneself and family life, from childhood to adulthood. It reflects a comprehensive approach to HIV prevention education from primary to tertiary levels of education. The curriculum is organized around six themes: 1. human development; 2. personal skills; 3. sexual health; 4. relationships; 5. sexual behaviour; 6. society and culture. Each theme covers knowledge, attitudes and the necessary skills that are age-appropriate. This curriculum represents a starting point for developing a comprehensive approach to 'humanity' education and guides the national school curriculum integration efforts at the primary, junior secondary, senior secondary and tertiary levels of education. It was developed through an inclusive, representative and participatory process, drawing on the perspectives of reviewers and resource persons from six geopolitical zones of Nigeria to ensure national coverage and socio-cultural applicability to the diverse communities in Nigeria.

Health and Education Resource Centre