The National Strategy on Child Marriage (NSCM&TP) is a holistic, comprehensive framework that reflects the commitment of the Uganda Government to end the practice of child marriage and other forms of violence against girls including teenage pregnancy as a consequence of child marriage. The goal of the strategy is to end child marriage in Uganda for enduring prosperity and social economic transformation. It articulates the principles, strategic objectives, actions, coordination mechanisms, and resources that will ensure effective implementation of the actions/interventions to end child marriage. The key strategic focus areas are; improved policy and legal environment to protect children and promotion of the girl child’s rights; improved access to quality sexual and reproductive health services, education, child protection services and other opportunities; changing dominant thinking and social norms related to child marriage in the communities; empowerment of both girls and boys with correct information to enable them recognize child marriage and early pregnancy as a gross violation of their rights and take mitigating action; and coordination, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the implementation effective of the strategy.

Health and Education Resource Centre