Overview of Comprehensive Sexuality Education Status in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, and Tajikistan

Programme Reports & Evaluations
9 p.

Comprehensive sexuality education is crucial for helping young people develop healthy sexual behaviours, respectful relationships and an understanding of their rights. It has been shown to improve knowledge and attitudes towards sexual and reproductive health, promote safe practices and reduce violence.

This overview summarizes an assessment of comprehensive sexuality education in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova and Tajikistan. The data were collected using the standardized Sexuality Education Review and Assessment Tool (SERAT) through reviews of policies, curricula and national data, questionnaires and interviews.

The assessment determined that the curricula in all four countries include sexuality education, although the quality and implementation vary. Detailed findings and recommendations are available in individual reports for three of the countries assessed—Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Moldova.
