Preventing Child Marriage in the Commonwealth: the Role of Education is the latest in a series of reports written by the Royal Commonwealth Society and Plan UK as part of our collaboration to end child, early and forced marriage in the Commonwealth. This report draws on the substantial body of evidence linking improved education to a reduced prevalence of child marriage and seeks to answer the question: what can Commonwealth education stakeholders do to ensure that girls are able to access a safe, high quality education? This report aims to share examples of best practice from both government and civil society in keeping girls in school; from a bicycle programme in Bihar State, India, to Rwanda’s award-winning nine-year basic education fast-track scheme. Fundamentally, it aims to show Education Ministries that ending child marriage is their responsibility, as well as that of a range of other government departments. With populous Commonwealth members such as Bangladesh, India, Nigeria and Pakistan exhibiting some of the higher child marriage prevalence rates, the number of child marriages in the Commonwealth will always be significant vis-a-vis global numbers. Equally, if the Commonwealth effectively addresses child marriage, the global battle is almost won. The authors hope that this report adds to the range of informative materials available on child marriage, and provides a useful tool for the Commonwealth in its work towards ending this practice.

Health and Education Resource Centre