This study intends to evaluate the revised comprehensive sexuality education in primary and secondary school settings in Zambia. The main objective of the study is to: 1) Review school‐based HIV prevention and sexuality education programmes based on international evidence and good practice; 2) Provide data to inform improvement or reform of programmes; 3) Assess programme efficiency by focusing on health data and other social criteria (notably gender) when looking at its strengths and weaknesses; and 4) Inform debate and advocacy by making available data on sexuality education that is understandable, easy to analyse and accessible to different audiences. SERAT is an excel based tool that supports the collection of data on HIV prevention and sexuality education programmes. It is based on international evidence and best practice in the development and content of effective curricula. In addition, it includes analysis of curriculum content, programme development, teacher training and other key elements that can lead to the success of a sexuality education programme. It includes analysis of health and social components, with a strong gender focus.

Health and Education Resource Centre