Engaging Faith-Based Organizations in HIV Prevention: A Training Manual for Programme Managers

Learning & Teaching Materials
New York
57 p.

This manual is a capacity-building tool to help policy makers and programmers identify, design and follow up on HIV prevention programmes undertaken by FBOs. The manual explores how religious values and the power of religious leaders to mobilize communities can be used to design effective and sustainable community programmes to address HIV. It explains how to involve religious leaders in programmes to eliminate the stigma and discrimination often directed to people living with HIV and how to encourage community support and solidarity using the compassionate spirit of religion. The manual is composed of eight sessions:Session 1 introduces the workshop. Session 2 presents the main challenge of HIV and strategic areas for UNFPA intervention to prevent the spread of the virus. Session 3 explains the role of FBOs. Session 4 clarifies the role of a facilitator in working with FBOs to develop a systematic approach to HIV prevention. Session 5 outlines possible entry points for partnering with FBOs. Session 6 suggests appropriate messages to be delivered by FBOs. Session 7 provides advice on developing an HIV prevention programme with FBOs, along with indicators to measure results. Session 8 closes the workshop.

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