This study was aimed at documenting the implementation of the Re-Entry Policy (REP) in Zambia with respect to Read to Succeed’s (RTS) contribution to policy intervention and efforts to improve girls’ education. This study assessed RTS’ range of Learner Support & Services which are aimed to address challenges girls face in education attainment, such as school dropout due to teenage pregnancy, HIV/AIDS prevention, and child marriages. In Zambia specifically, females who have become mothers during adolescence, suffer many challenges, many of which are socially and culturally entrenched. Despite the policy being in place, it is clear that the majority of adolescent mothers are not returning to school after giving birth (Mutombo & Mwenda, 2010). The findings of the study showed that implementation and activities of the REP was varied from RTS schools to non-RTS schools. Through the Learner Support & Services, RTS schools have been able to galvanize their efforts through the Guidance and Counseling (G&C) Teachers to provide necessary support and sensitizations around the REP. Results further showed that the work of RTS Project at school level has helped to create an enabling environment, create demand for the policy, help meet the supply and enhance quality policy implementation for both policy makers and implementers. This has, therefore, led to RTS schools to effectively developing impactful responses towards the REP.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação