Reaching out, reaching all. Sustaining effective policy and practice for education in Africa and promising educational responses to HIV/AIDS

Conference Reports
Association for the Development of Education in Africa, ADEA
336 p.
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Aller plus loin, aller vers tous. Pérenniser les politiques et les pratiques efficaces pour l'éducation en Afrique, lutter contre le SIDA

How can the educational policies and practices that have proved effective be expanded and made sustainable? This question examined in depth by ADEA in 2000-2001, is reviewed in these pages, which bring together the major documents presented in Arusha (Tanzania) at the ADEA Biennale, in October 2001.Among the topics covered are: scaling up educational reforms; the role of communication for increasing participation by the stakeholders; educational networks in Africa; leading educational programs; the impact of HIV/AIDS on education; and, identifying the most promising approaches for overcoming HIV/AIDS htrough education.

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