
Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 2000

Planning for education in the context of HIV/AIDS

For a long time, HIV/AIDS was considered to be essentially a medical problem. However it has become clear that prevention is essential and that education might potentially be the single most powerful weapon against HIV transmission.

Policies & Strategies
Policies & Strategies | 2007

Youth sexuality: confronting HIV/AIDS

Los jóvenes y el VIH/sida en América Latina. Descripción general de su situación y las políticas que sugiere la International Planned Parenthood Federation para, junto a ellos, responder a la epidemia de VIH/sida. Se describen también enfoques y acciones realizadas por esta organización.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2009

Livelihood Options for Girls: A Guide for Program Managers

The purpose of this guide is to strengthen the capacity of HIV/AIDS program managers to design interventions that reduce adolescents' vulnerability to HIV by offering viable and effective livelihood options to supplant high-risk behaviors motivated by economic insecurity.