Educating educators: knowledge, beliefs, and practice of teacher educators on LGBTQ issues
The current study examines the state of teacher education programs in regard to LGBTQ-inclusive practices and preparation.
The current study examines the state of teacher education programs in regard to LGBTQ-inclusive practices and preparation.
The GLSEN 2021 National School Climate Survey reports on the school experiences of LGBTQ+ youth in schools, including the extent of the challenges that they face at school and the school-based resources that support LGBTQ students’ well-being.
Students have been forming Gender-Sexuality Alliance student clubs (originally known as Gay Straight Alliances, or GSAs) for over 30 years. Today, they continue to serve multiple purposes, including social support and student advocacy.
This study focuses on the relationship between menstruation and the schooling experience of female adolescents in Peru from an ecological and gender approach.
Entre los meses de septiembre y octubre del 2021, se aplicó una encuesta a todos los países de la región Latinoamericana.
Para sentar las bases de la implementación del Programa Horizontes se ha visto necesario realizar una investigación sobre violencia de género y embarazo adolescente en escuelas rurales del ámbito de acción del proyecto, a fin de contar con una mayor comprensión sobre ambas temáticas y
The immediate context for this financial landscape analysis is the learning crisis triggered by school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic and the shrinking fiscal space available to governments.
¿Un refrigerio hace la diferencia en el proceso educativo? Este artículo presenta los impactos del Programa de Alimentación Escolar (PAE) de Colombia sobre indicadores educativos en el país.
As of fall 2019, over 11 million undergraduate and 3 million graduate students were enrolled in four-year or graduate universities.
Since around 2014, lawmakers at the federal, state, and municipal levels in Brazil have introduced over 200 legislative proposals prohibiting gender and sexuality education in schools under the guise of protecting children and adolescents from “gender ideology” and “indoctrination".