Global Handwashing Day "Alaways wash your hands" poster
This poster, designed for children, shows the key times for handwashing and demonstrates how to properly wash hands.
This poster, designed for children, shows the key times for handwashing and demonstrates how to properly wash hands.
Break the Silence, Wisconsin was a statewide gathering to raise awareness about the impact of bullying, homophobia, and transphobia in our schools.
En apoyo al poryecto de Dan Savage "It Gets Better"; "Todo Se Pone Mejor." Terminemos con la injusticia, el abuso fisico y verbal en las escuelas, en las familias o cualquier parte del mundo en contra de los niños y jovenes del genero GLBT: Gay, Lesbico, Bisexual, y Transexual
This guide explains what homophobic bullying is and what teachers, parents and learners can do to make schools safer for all learners. It provides clear and simple steps that teachers and learners can take in challenging homophobic bullying in schools.
The life orientation programme is designed for youth and adolescents with a view to equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed and healthy decisions.
The main goal of the manual is to provide teachers with the knowledge and competences to conduct HIV education lesson in the classroom at the primary and secondary level and to make available important resources for the lesson delivery.
This booklet is designed to protect teachers and to help them teach and train their colleagues and students about HIV/AIDS and STIs. It includes lots of accurate information, self study tasks and activities teachers could use in their training and teaching. It is written by PNG teachers.
Síntesis del Programa Nacional de Prevención del VIH/sida (preVIHsida) en el sistema educativo argentino.
This document provides content standards and performance indicators for grades 1-8 in following subjects: 1. Personal health and fitness; 2. Emotional and mental health; 3. Substance use, abuse and prevention; 4. Nutrition; 5. Safety and first aid; 6. Prevention and control of diseases.
An eight-to-ten-week programme designed for use with young men ages 10-19 years old, focuses on sexual responsibilities, family communication, positive life options.