Health and Education Resource Centre
School Violence and Bullying
Desafíos y caminos: informe regional de la Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP) Estrategias para prevenir la violencia sexual y de género y fomentar la equidad en las escuelas rurales en Haití, Honduras y Nicaragua. Resumen ejécutivo
La persistencia de múltiples expresiones de las violencias de género y, particularmente, de la violencia sexual en los sistemas educativos de todo el mundo desafía la puesta en marcha de iniciativas contundentes orientadas a la promoción del derecho a la educación libre de violencias.
Sistematización: Estrategias de prevención a la violencia sexual y de género en escuelas rurales
Elaborado por la comunidad de aprendizaje del Proyecto Estrategias para prevenir la violencia sexual y de género y fomentar la equidad en las escuelas rurales en Nicaragua, Haití y Honduras, este documento sistematiza la experiencia de las comunidades de aprendizaje nacionales en relación con el
Let’s talk about it: review of relationships and sexuality education: summary
Relationships and sexuality education (RSE) is required to be taught in all state and state-integrated schools. RSE is important to children and young people’s physical and mental health, and their safety.
Why the world needs happy schools: global report on happiness in and for learning
No matter the location or education level, schools can and should be fundamentally joyous places. At best, schools stimulate happiness through all five senses: seeing a teacher smile, hearing students laugh, feeling a hug from a friend, smelling fresh air, tasting a nutritious school meal.
National safe school policy (NSSP) 2024-2029
This National Safe Schools policy sets out how the Government, schools and community can work together to ensure the protection of children and students from harm or risk of harm caused by others.
Call to Action by Ministries of Education during the High-Level Regional Meeting on the Contribution of Education to Preventing and Addressing Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean, November 6, 2024, Bogota, Colombia
The call to action by Ministries of Education from the first Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children, Bogotá, Colombia, 7-8 November 2024.
Prevention of sexual violence in education settings
This paper shines a light on sexual violence in education settings. It covers forced, non-consensual or exploitative sexual acts perpetrated in, around or related to an education setting.
School-related gender based violence: case studies from Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe
The case studies from Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe featured in this brief show how catalytic funding can be instrumental to address gender-based violence in and around schools in a short period of time.
National Higher Education Code to Prevent and Respond to Gender‑based Violence: issues paper
On 23 February 2024 Education and Higher Education Ministers agreed to and released the Action Plan Addressing Gender-based Violence in Higher Education. This Action Plan aims to create higher education communities free from gender-based violence.