Boas práticas sobre alimentação escolar com países de língua portuguesa
Nos últimos anos, países de língua portuguesa avançaram em boas práticas na alimentação escolar, combatendo a desnutrição, a má nutrição e a pobreza.
Nos últimos anos, países de língua portuguesa avançaram em boas práticas na alimentação escolar, combatendo a desnutrição, a má nutrição e a pobreza.
Currently, the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) follows the Revised Guidelines on Prevention and Management of Teenage Pregnancy in School Settings.
Child marriage in West and Central Africa is one of the biggest challenges in the region and has enormous adverse effects on education, health, including sexual and reproductive health, and on the overall development of adolescents and youth.
This position paper presents several strong arguments about why it is imperative to address child marriage and adolescent pregnancy, if we want to succeed in harnessing the demographic dividend in West and Central Africa.
Girls are subject to child marriage, female genital mutilation and limited education and as such, are denied equality of opportunities.
A review was conducted to assess key achievements of the Accelerate Initiative, lessons learned and possible ways forward.
Nearly half of the world's population, some 3 billion people, is under the age of 25.
En 2002, l'Equipe de travail inter-institutions de l'ONUSIDA sur l'éducation a mis sur pied un Groupe de travail - connu sous le nom "Initiative Accélérée" - pour s'attaquer à ces défis et appuyer les pays d'Afrique subsaharienne au moment où ces derniers "
Under the banner of South-South cooperation and in line with UNESCO's EDUCAIDS Framework, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Africa (BREDA) and UNESCO Brasilia have been working together to provide technical support to the five Portuguese-speaking countries (PALOP) for the development o
Bué Fixe é uma revista feita por jovens e para jovens que fala sobre o vírus VIH/SIDA. Apoiada pelo UNICEF e ONGs como Cidadaos do Mundo e Linha Africana, a revista de dez páginas é impressa em Sao Tomé e Príncipe.