Compilation of Health and Family Life Education Resource Materials for Teachers is a manual edited by the Ministry of Education in Guyana in 2005. This compilation provides: (a) a clear definition of life skills; (b) scenarios, simulations and other participatory strategies; (c) an explanation of multiple intelligence and its relationship to life skills; (d) samples of life skills lesson plans; (e) suitable modes of learner assessment for Health and Family Life Education (HFLE); and (f) pertinent information which demonstrate the importance of life skills to major health topics, like sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS prevention. This resources package is intended to be utilized by Health and Family Life Education trainers and school administrations to facilitate the management of HFLE on the school plant. It is designed in such a manner that the users will be stimulated to engage in critical thinking and as such "think out of the box" to develop other support material to foster the premium life skills in the learner's psyche. These materials are recommended for immediate, regular and constant use in the classroom. This compilation is an attempt to enable teachers to obtain a deeper understanding of the Life Skills and how they can be taught. It is divided into 7 sections: (i) Explanation of Life Skills and the process of skill development; (ii) Learning styles; (iii) Strategies for Teaching Life Skills; (iv) Sample Life Skills Lessons; (v) Life Skills made specific to Major Health Topics; (vi) Background information on various topics; and (vii) Issues in Assessment. All items are referenced so that teachers could access the original sources.

Health and Education Resource Centre