Monitoring is key to a better understanding of the gaps in CSE and to building capacity. To address the need for additional data on CSE, the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, in partnership with UNESCO’s Section of Health and Education, has developed country profiles on CSE. These are available on the Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews website (PEER, of the GEM Report, which also hosts country profiles on other themes that are central to SDG 4. The profiles provide a comparative perspective of the progress countries are making in relation to CSE. They cover all regions of the world and all income levels. Fifty country profiles are available to date, and more will be added in the future. The profiles show the extent to which CSE is a policy priority at the national level. In so doing, the profiles aim to support peer learning and global monitoring of progress in this area. While they provide a synthesis of national regulations, including laws, policies and decrees, as well as sectoral or development plans and strategies, the profiles are not intended to examine or discuss implementation. Each country profile covers five main areas: context; terminology; laws and policies; governance; and monitoring and evaluation. The profiles answer three main questions:1. What terms do national laws, acts, policies and strategies use to refer to sexuality education? 2. What laws, acts, policies and strategies exist in relation to sexuality education? 3. How is sexuality education covered in curricula, materials for learning, and teaching?

Health and Education Resource Centre