Between January and June 2006, the Ministry of Education, supported by UNICEF and the Global Fund through the Ministry of Health, conducted the delivery of a pilot curriculum for Health and Family Life Education [HFLE] in 21 of 24 selected schools. The HFLE curriculum which was pilot tested was developed in the context of an existing National Policy for Health and Family Life Education in Jamaica. The Policy was revised in 1999. The spread of HIV/AIDS has led to the special inclusion of HIV/AIDS education as a special focus of HFLE. The National HFLE policy seeks to guide policy makers and programme implementers into more effective programme development. It gives specific guidelines for conceptualizing HFLE, standardizing the delivery of HFLE and development of HFLE materials. In conclusion, it has emerged quite clearly from all categories of stakeholders that HFLE and its life skills approach should have a secure place in the school system. How to smoothly accommodate the curriculum within existing structures and processes of the school system and to ensure that its objectives are realized, in the face of competing demands for time and resources and of identified inadequacies, is the defining issue to be settled by policy and management stakeholders.

Health and Education Resource Centre