This research brief describes two evidence-generation efforts undertaken by the Evidence to Action Project (E2A), of which IntraHealth is a partner, and Kenyatta University, along with support from Pathfinder International, Kenya, from 2015-2016. The first evidence-generation effort involved an assessment of select KU service delivery statistics, and the second was a qualitative research study on the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs, attitudes, preferences, and behaviors of KU students. The emerging results have provided a deeper understanding of the overall context for SRH-related activity and service utilization at KU, including insights on student ‘demand’, university-based ‘supply’, and the broader campus environment. This research brief summarizes the main findings from the quantitative assessment and qualitative research. The brief includes recommendations that can be applied to strengthening SRH services for university students at Kenyatta University and beyond.

Health and Education Resource Centre