These guidelines have been developed within the Child Online Protection (COP) initiative, as part of the ITU Global Cybersecurity Agenda, with the aim of establishing the foundations for a safe and secure cyberworld not only for today’s youth but also for future generations. These guidelines also focus on children with vulnerabilities, particularly, migrant children, children with ASD and children with disabilities. The guidelines are meant to act as a blueprint which can be adapted and used in a way that is consistent with national or local customs and laws and address issues that might affect all children and young people under the age of 18 in all parts of the world. However, a young Internet user of seven years of age is very unlikely to have the same needs or interests as a 12-year-old just starting at High School or a 17-year-old on the brink of adulthood. These guidelines have been tailored to give advice or recommendations for different contexts because specific needs require individual consideration and because different local, legal and cultural factors have an important bearing on how these guidelines might be used or interpreted in any given country or region.

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