This research suggests that stigma and discrimination can exacerbate the material and psychological problems children already face in context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. This paper reviews the literature on HIV/AIDS, children and stigma to interrogate the following questions: What is the evidence that HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination directly affects children, both materially and psychologically? How does HIV/AIDS-related stigma impact materially and psychologically, on adult caregivers and household structures supporting children affected by HIV/AIDS? How is HIV/AIDS-related stigma articulated in relation to children in different social, economic and cultural contexts? What role do children play in the process of stigmatisation itself? Do children stigmatise other children more than, or in different ways from adults? Are there different developmental impacts on (and responses to) stigma depending on the age of the child? If so, how is this related to emotional or cognitive development?

Health and Education Resource Centre