This report presents results of a baseline survey commissioned by Uganda National Teachers Union (UNATU) to gather baseline information that will guide the planning and implementation of the EFAIDS project. The study investigated the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector with particular focus on teachers. Both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods were employed. The survey covered a total sample of 240 teachers drawn form pre-primary, primary, secondary and core primary teachers' colleges in 8 districts sampled out of the four main regions of the country.In conclusion the survey results revealed that the negative impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector and teachers in particular is enormous both at the individual and institutional levels. The survey therefore recommends a multi-pronged approach in addressing the negative impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector. It points out the urgent need to operationalize the HIV/AIDS work place policy for teachers as a matter of priority.

Health and Education Resource Centre