Over the past decade, the education sector has played an increasingly important role in the multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS. The priority placed on the education sector's response is based on evidence that the "social vaccine" of education contributes to knowledge and personal skills essential for the prevention of HIV, and protects individuals, communities and nations from the impact of AIDS. In line with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, the IATT (UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team) set up the Indicators Working Group in 2007 to provide guidance on measuring the process and outcomes of education sector HIV responses. One of the first tasks the Working Group identified in order to develop a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework (guidelines) for education sector HIV interventions was the review of existing indicators relevant to the sector. This report summarises the methodology and findings of the review and serves as a resource for the development of an M&E framework for education sector HIV responses.

Health and Education Resource Centre