The UNICEF-supported Adolescent Friendly Services (AFS) pilot project was implemented by the MoH in the Islamic Republic of Iran (hereafter referred to as Iran) from 2006 to 2011. While the project aimed to outreach in particular to the most vulnerable and at risk young people to help them protect themselves from HIV, it has also benefited the general public. In partnership with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran (hereafter referred to as the Government), the project aimed to empower young people through the dissemination of information on HIV/AIDS, education, counselling and referral services. By 2011, when the project was discontinued, the AFS project had provided services to many beneficiaries and created a network of trained service providers, counsellors and peer educators. The document begins with the background to the AFS project. Section 1 outlines the context in which the project was conceptualised and provides a description of project implementation, timeline and partners. Section 2 focuses on the achievements of the AFS model. It summarises the most successful project activities, results, and particularly effective elements of the AFS project approach. Section 3 covers the challenges. In particular, it looks at the difficulties encountered during implementation of the project approach and how they impacted on expected results. Section 4 begins to draw the main lessons learned from the AFS experience. Building on those lessons, Section 5 looks ahead at how the AFS model can influence future practice in the context of today’s Iran and in other countries.

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