The overall goal of this policy is to mainstream adolescent health concerns in the national development process in order to improve the quality of life and standard of living of young people in Uganda. The objectives of the policy are: To provide policy makers and other key actors in the social and development fields, reference guidelines for addressing adolescent health concerns; To create an enabling legal and social-cultural environment that promotes provision of better health and information services for young people; To protect and promote the rights of adolescents to health, education, information and care; To promote the involvement of adolescents in conceptualisation, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of adolescent health programmes; To promote adequate development of responsible health related positive behaviour amongst adolescents including relations based on equity and mutual respect between genders and sensitise them to such gender issues as they grow into adulthood; To provide legal and social protections of young people especially the girl child against harmful traditional practices and all forms of abuse including sexual abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence; To train providers and reorient the health system at all levels to better focus and meet the special needs of adolescents; To advocate for increased resource commitment for the health of adolescents in conformity with their age, numbers, gender, needs and requirements at all levels; To improve the capacity of local institutions in research, monitoring and evaluation of adolescent health needs and programmes; To promote, disseminate and utilise relevant information to create awareness and influences behaviour amongst individuals, communities, leaders and service providers concerning adolescent health; To promote co-ordination and networking between different sectors and among Non Government Organisation/Youth Serving NGOs working in the field of adolescent health; To promote interventions built on capabilities and resourcefulness of young people.

Health and Education Resource Centre