Through a consultative and participatory process, the Ministry of Education has developed a five-year costed strategic plan (2007 - 2012), to provide a framework for the entire Education Sector, to guide its accelerated response, mitigate the impact of AIDS and strengthen HIV prevention education. The Strategic Plan seeks to: 1) integrate priorities for a comprehensive HIV&AIDS education sector response, as identified by the sector's key stakeholders; 2) produce a comprehensive framework which gives consideration to, and expands upon the essential components of quality education that is rights-based, gender and culturally sensitive, age specific and scientifically accurate; culturally appropriate education content, through curriculum and learning materials tailored to and inclusive of diverse learning populations; educator training and support; HIV&AIDS Education Sector policy, management and systems, and education approaches and illustrative entry points to enhance student learning; 3) contribute to a stronger presence of the Education Sector in the Government of Jamaica's multisectoral, national response to HIV&AIDS through the implementation of a comprehensive, scaled up education programme on HIV &AIDS, as outlined in the National HIV&AIDS Strategic Plan (2007-2012); and 4) protect the core functions of the education system from the worst effects of the epidemic.

Health and Education Resource Centre