The Ministry of Health (MOH) developed the national strategy for reproductive and sexual health in Cambodia (2006-2010) to ensure an effective and coordinated response to reproductive health needs in the country. This strategy builds on the national safe motherhood action plan (2001-2005), birth spacing policy (1995), and abortion law (1997) [26-28]. It draws from the national policy on infant and young child feeding practices (2002) and the health sector strategic plan (2003-2007) with its minimum and complementary packages of services. It is linked closely with the draft national strategic plan for a comprehensive and multisectoral response to HIV/AIDS (2006-2010), strategic plan for HIV/AIDS and STI prevention and care (2001-2005), draft national strategic plan for child survival (2006-2010), draft national standard guidelines for adolescent-friendly reproductive and sexual health services (2005), and nutrition investment plan (2003-2007). This collaborative strategy is part of the government's initiative to build a comprehensive response to the health needs of Cambodian people. This strategy and upcoming operational plans provide the framework from which to advocate reproductive and sexual health priorities, engage in annual planning, and mobilise the resources necessary for effective action.

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