Protocol for Child Counseling on HIV Testing, Disclosure and Support

Case Studies & Research
New Dehli
Family Health International
177 p.

This protocol has been developed to meet a need for guidance on counseling of children and their parents/guardians about HIV/AIDS in 30 USAID/FHI projects with orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) under the IMPACT project in India. The document is a product of national and international experience on counseling with expert advice gathered through a two-day national meeting of child psychologists, child psychiatrists and social workers, as well as regional meetings with 30 NGOs working with children on HIV/AIDS issues. This counseling protocol covers five key areas: 1) Principles of counseling children; 2) Life situations of the children in the context of HIV/AIDS; 3) Protocol for specific areas; 4) Counseling guidelines for issues such as abuse, death and stigma; 5) Recommendations.

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