As part of its effort to advocate for girls’ education and girls’ rights, HakiElimu conducted a study in 2021 to assess Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights education in primary and secondary schools in Tanzania mainland. The need for a comprehensive study on SRHR education in Tanzania mainland was driven by prevailing gaps in policies, guidelines and actual provision of SRHR education, particularly to adolescents. Literature review also indicated serious consequences to boys and girls who lack SRHR education at adolescent age – mostly those in primary and secondary schools. Specifically, the study was commissioned to understand whether, SRHR education is mainstreamed in schools’ system as a strategic intervention to reach youth at an early age, thereby reducing risky lifestyle with consequences such as STDs/STIs, HIV and unintended pregnancies. It was also conducted with the knowledge that, there are existing efforts in Tanzania to integrate SRHR content in schools since 2001, with the inclusion of the comprehensive sexuality education curriculum in teachers’ education program.

Health and Education Resource Centre