The vision of the iThemba Lethu (isiZulu for "I have a destiny") HIV prevention programme is "to restore the destiny to children whose future is at risk of being negatively impacted by HIV/AIDS". Their goal is to reduce youth risk taking behaviour. The motivation for change is understood as the realisation of self-value and destiny, which, it is posited, provides the backdrop against which HIV/AIDS education can best have a positive effect on behaviour. This long-term (5-year) intervention is aimed at bringing about sustained behavioural change in a group of pre-adolescent and adolescent youth. It is multifaceted and holistic, in that it works through various components targeting not only learners, but also teachers, siblings, parents and other caregivers. Key components of the learner programme are: a classroom curriculum presented on a weekly basis, weekly youth clubs, individual meetings between youth workers and learners after school hours, bi-annual holiday workshops and leadership camps. The parent programme includes home visits and parent workshops. During 2004 and 2005, teacher development workshops were held at four of the intervention schools.

Health and Education Resource Centre