In collaboration with UNESCO, the Human and Social Development Department (OSHD) from the African Development Bank (ADB) has organized a workshop for ADB staff on HIV and AIDS Mainstreaming in the Education Sector. The workshop aimed to build participants' knowledge and skills related to HIV mainstreaming in the education. In particular, by the end of the workshop participants were expected to be able to: Describe what HIV and AIDS mainstreaming means in education and the importance of comprehensive education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; Identify the critical elements of successful HIV and AIDS mainstreaming in the education sector; Identify the key areas to be covered for an assessment of the status of mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in education at the country-level; and the key steps to conduct this type of assessment; Identify specific opportunities and entry points for HIV and AIDS mainstreaming in education in their respective countries; Identify key steps to support the mainstreaming of issues such as gender equality and children affected by AIDS in education sector responses. Two workbooks (one in English and one in French) were developed for the workshop, with 6 modules linked to the above objectives and covering: 1. Mainstreaming HIV in the education sector - What is it and why is it important?; 2. The critical elements of successful HIV and AIDS mainstreaming in the education sector; 3. Conducting an assessment of the status of HIV and AIDS mainstreaming; 4. Identifying opportunities and entry points for HIV mainstreaming; 5. Mainstreaming issues of children affected by HIV and AIDS in education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; 6. Mainstreaming gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights in education sector responses to HIV and AIDS. Each module included background information, exercises and case studies, and links to other related documentation for further information.

Health and Education Resource Centre